" Well Educated and Love Others " is our school motto. We uphold the Spirit of Islam -- We promote Chinese Culture and advocate peace among races. We aim at inducing active learning. We encourage our students to cultivate their academic capacity, personal quality and potentials. We help our students to develop independent thinking, empathy and civic awareness. We provide a good learning environment. Our teachers are professional and qualified. Our IT facilities are up-to-date. We would like our students to learn happily and to acquire an all-round education in our school.
本校秉承「博學愛群」辦學宗旨,宣揚伊斯蘭教精神, 透過提倡中國文化,促進種族間的文化交流,締造和諧校園。
本校師資優良,簇新的資訊設施為學生提供良好的學習環境。藉着塑造不同的學習情景,推動學生積極投入學習;從思維訓練中,培養學生的探索精神;透過有趣、適度的課堂活動,讓學生體驗學習的樂趣。此外,學校提供多元化的經驗活動,例如:情景學習、社交活動、 不同媒體(視訊、報章、網頁)等,培養學生多角度思考,並提高其公民意識和同理心,達至全人教育。