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No. 附件 標題 分類 連結 描述 點擊率  
1 10 Signs You’re Doing Well in Life (Even if You Think You Aren’t)MCE - videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oPmc0RB87MGratitude3930
2 A smile is Enough to Change the World 微笑的威力足以改變世界MCE - videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eyKvjWEk90Love and Respect (with English and Chinese Subtitles)6112
3 Basic Color TheoryV.A.https://www.colormatters.com/color-and-design/basic-color-theoryThere are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful!6312
4 Block Castle (Junior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/castle/castle.htmlAbiding by the Law and Rules3802
5 British Council - Graded readingEnglishhttp://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/graded-readingRead stories and articles for your level of English.6969
6 Cantonese Opera(媽媽朝晚待我好)Musichttps://youtu.be/yKpdF-QgT0QCantonese Opera Performance3782
7 Chinese games for Tablets/iPad - Digital DialectsPutonghuahttp://www.digitaldialects.com/iPad/Chinese.htmYou may learn some simple words in Putonghua by games!4603
8 Citation Library - Information literacyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDGdqoCyAtw4148
9 Class Monitor Election (Junior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/vote/vote.htmlClean Election3380
10 Daisy’s Stored-value Card (Junior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/card/card.htmlPositive Attitude Towards Money3326
11 Dewey Decimal CalssificationLibrary - juniorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lC4mlKcbmUEasy to understand DDC4052
12 Do you judge people by appearance?MCE - videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKgNGkTKTcQLove and Respect4022
13 e-book and apps for Geronimo StiltonLibrary - seniorhttps://geronimostilton.com/portal/WW/en/e-book-app-geronimo-stilton/Do you like Geronimo Stilton? You may like this website5280
14 Epic - the leading digital libraryEnglishhttps://www.getepic.com/With audio books and interesting stories2474
15 Father’s Mother’s Day - 《父母教 》(我要做最乖)Musichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srqS4qdUG1s3981
16 Feeling and Health - Why Having Lots of Feelings Is Good For Your HealthHealth http://time.com/4828450/positive-emotions-inflammation/Feelings is good or bad?3905
17 Feeling and Health -Talking about your feelingHealth https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/talk-feelings.htmlHow to explain 'Feeling'? Any soultions?9096
18 Feelings and Health - 7 Unexpected Reasons You're Feeling AnxiousHealth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o1Sxk3mWv0Have you ever felt anxious? Do you have these experience?3519
19 Feelings and Health - 5 Tips for Feeling Healthy Inside and OutHealth https://www.livehappy.com/self/wellbeing/5-tips-feeling-healthy-inside-and-outHow to keep yourself healthy by feelings?3852
20 Feelings and Health - Emotion, Stress and Health: Crash Course Psychology #26Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KbSRXP0wikThe speech is quick fast, but it is meaningful ! Talking about the expression of feeling6730