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標題      描述      分類       搜尋
No. 附件 標題 分類 連結 描述 點擊率  
21 Feelings and Health - This common feeling is bad for your healthHealth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67LuDihW5YHave you ever felt lonely?2525
22 Feelings and Health : Mind/Body Connection: How Your Emotions Affect Your HealthHealth https://familydoctor.org/mindbody-connection-how-your-emotions-affect-your-health/How do our emotions affect us? Let's check!2389
23 Find me a bookLibrary - juniorhttps://www.bringmeabook.org.hk/find-me-a-book/Searching engine for finding books that suit for you!1700
24 Flying Wheels (Senior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/bicycle/bicycle.htmlAbiding by the Law and Rules2420
25 Free online reading gameLibrary - juniorhttps://www.education.com/games/first-grade/ela/reading/You may play the comprehension games by levels2725
26 Game to learn EnglishEnglishhttps://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/Interesting games - recommended by 6A Aila12346
27 Game to learn Putonghua and ChinesePutonghuahttp://www.games2learnchinese.com/chinese-learning-games.phpMini games to learn "pin yin" of high frequency words2673
28 Great websites for kidsLibrary - seniorhttp://gws.ala.org/content/all-about-birds#.XoFSl-ozbIUProvide websites with different subjects. Interesting and fruitful!2405
29 Guess how much I love youLibrary - juniorhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKZqdBZnrATsSRzM1a5ifAgstories about you and your parent!4588
30 Hand signs PracticeMusichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Q3wFmYmnU3113
31 Hong Kong Public Library - for kidsLibrary - seniorhttps://www.hkpl.gov.hk/tc/kids/e-resource/e-resource_1.htmlThere are online resources for you to read !3981
32 Hour of codeSTEMhttps://code.org/learnAn interesting website to learn basic coding skills2396
33 How to Take Great NotesG.S.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAhRf3U50lMImportance of taking note. Simple and effective methods are introduced3595
34 http://www.storylineonline.net/library/Library - juniorhttp://www.storylineonline.net/library/read aloud - 5 -12 minutes to read a book2744
35 Impressive adaptive learningLibrary - juniorhttps://www.ixl.com/promo?partner=google&campaign=1212&adGroup=1st+grade+maths+tests&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5bD31M384QIVlgQqCh2dwQSeEAAYAiAAEgIkuvD_BwE1956
36 Interactive sites for educationLibrary - seniorhttp://interactivesites.weebly.com/brainteasers.htmllearning in interesting games!!!7119
37 It's not fairMCE - videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoSUnJqJ7Yw&feature=youtu.beVideo about Fairness2829
38 Junior Master Chef (Senior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/cook/cook.htmlFairness and Justice2300
39 Just books read aloudLibrary - juniorhttp://www.justbooksreadaloud.com/about 700 books 3366
40 Karen and Grandmother (Junior Primary)MCE - English storieshttps://me.icac.hk/filemanager/ebook/en/shrimp/shrimp.htmlLove, Respect, Responsibility and Inclusiveness2336